Monday, November 24, 2008

A Producers Job

A lot of people don't know what a television producer does. Here is an example of a smart producer's decision.

Intervention the television show: A television show that documents the lives of people at rock bottom.

Producer's job: When do you air a show like this on tv?

Answer: Monday nights @ 9pm.

Reason: Monday's suck and people are home on Monday nights. How can a television show appeal to this or actually make Monday's better? Intervention is a show that appeals to our desire to see other people fail because in turn it makes us feel better about ourselves. The show makes viewers, subconciously, feel better by watching other people's misery and realizing that there are people out there worse off than them. This is a great way to finish a Monday isn't it? We have been through a rough day and we have more to go. Watching Intervention on Monday's night reminds us that Mondays are nothing compared to some things in life.

Producer's Conclusion: Intervention makes Monday night go down smoothly. Now give me my drug money!

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