Sunday, November 23, 2008

Coulier's blog: Space Face

Today the Canadian national anthem got stuck on the ship. It ran 3 times before we realized it was skipping. I think this was a sign of how tired my crew and I are. After we fixed the radio I called my mom, in front of my crew, to apologize for faking the invasion the other day. My mom accepted my apology and I told her I love her in front of all of them. I don't see one reason why they would want to avoid me now. But I was thinking lately...what if they disliked me because of my face. Just the appearance of my face. Like if I have one of those dislikeable faces. I am not saying dislikeably good looking, because I wouldn't necessarily say I am noticeably good looking. Well in certain lighting I am, but I am not constantly complimented on my looks. Friends of mine that are noticeably, annoyingly, good looking are constantly being complimented and at times their faces are annoying because of how oblivious what's behind it is to what's in front of it. You want to punch them because your whole life you've been told that looks don't matter, (which is a way for adults to tell awkward children that with a good personality and hard work they too can sleep with an attractive person) and they are dating a beautiful and smart person that you know is just with them because of their face. On the contrary, I wouldn't say I'm noticeably ugly. I have been insulted by little kids that don't know any better and I have had a few girls give me the 'ewww' face, but nothing too serious. So is it possible that my looks and appearance are just annoying, or not fun to be around? There are some people that are just a good buzz to be around because of their looks and attitude. Their laugh is fun to hear, they smile a lot and the way there face moves when they talk is enjoyable. I like to think I'm one of these people. But what if I'm not? Are my looks and mannerisms annoying? Maybe I have an annoying face. One of those faces that says 'go-away I'm in a bad mood', even when I'm just trying to look normal. Or a face that light doesn't reflect off efficently. Or maybe my face is just not fun to look at. I don't really know how to answer these questions. Actually, I think I should stop writing this blog. It's messing with my head. I'm going to delete it just in case one of my crew members sees it. They will surely lose respect for me if they do. I've been in space too long. I look fine.

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