Tuesday, November 25, 2008

cell phone ettiquette

top ten social rules blossomed by cell phone life.

1. "I had no battery" this is a legitimate excuse to completely disappear and then reappear simply by stating 'my battery is recharged'. So is forgetting your phone anywhere.

2. "I had no signal". This is also a legitmate excuse, but creates more suspicion. Where the hell were you? In the underworld?

3. "I was out of minutes." This is for pay as you go people. I have no pay as you go friends and quiet frankly I don't want any, but I have heard this is an excuse they use.

4. "You called before 6 and I don't like to use daytime minutes." Do yourself a favor, and delete this person from your life. they don't like you, and if they do, they are going to get you in trouble.

5. My phone was on vibrate/or silent. This is actually a sign of maturity. A unique ringtone is a dead give away that the person needs to get a real job.

6. A phone call that is returned by a text rather than a phone call. This basically mean "Don't call me" It is also a way of saying I'm busier than you.

7. calling and then not leaving a message. This means "I called you, you will notice that you missed my call and then you will call me back". Two calls in a row is desperate.

8. private numbers and unknown numbers are always bad news and should be avoided.

9. If you warn the person that your phone might cut out. you can basically hang up whenever you want.

10. Speaker phone. Speaker phone makes the person who is on speaker phone feel subordinate, while the person listening on speaker phone feels confident like a jet fighter pilot.