Friday, November 28, 2008

news, facebook, and beds

today was the craziest day of my life. I aged 4 years in 4 hours. I got the best news I have ever received (I will reveal it when I'm allowed to), and 20 minutes later I was informed that a person in my social network had passed away.

I am preparing for a huge comedy show this Sunday, so my blog has suffered. but I have to do it as I am superstitious and if I don't do it, I will be pissing off God.


Facebook/model and not the other way around

I thought of something that annoys me, as I am putting together my facebook etiquette top ten list. There are people in my facebook friends group that actually post pictures of famous people, or models, that kinda sorta look like them and try to pass them off as 'really good pictures of them'. Like we, the creepers, are supposed to just assume it was a good angle, good hair day, great lighting, or just how they look now.

For example a friend of mine has this picture on her facebook wall of a model. The model looks like her. I could see how at first glance, your average generali could glance at this pic in passing and think it was just a GREAT photo of her. But I'm no generali. I'm insane and know exactly what she is up to. Basically, what she is trying to do is pass a photo of a perfect person off as her in good lighting from the right angle. I have over 10 people in my network that do this. If you do this. Stop, or comment why you do this please. I want to investigate these types of people. They make for great comedy skits if you can portray them from their sincere POV.


Coach Casey's life motto. He lives by this, and is in the process of designing a tattoo around this slogan...a perfectly made bed.

'Everybody has two choices in life; either get out of bed, or don't get out of bed.'

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