Monday, October 19, 2009

Textpert: Never Given Sunday

Never text on Sunday afternoons

In the dating world, it is understood that Saturday night is for having sex. We all act like we are having sex, if not all the time, at the very least on Saturday nights. It is unattracted to not be getting laid, and as far the sex world goes, Saturday night is the main event. Of course, majority are not getting laid, but that doesn't mean they can't make it look like they are.

Think about it...

If you are up early (on Sunday early is before 3pm) on a Sunday texting, questions arise about your Saturday night. After a Saturday night, why isn't she still sleeping? I wonder if she even went out last night? Looks like she didn't have a good Saturday night if she's up flirting on Sunday morning...Sunday morning is for recovering, for bathing in the glory of your sexual escaped from Thursday through to Saturday night, not flirting.

A Sunday afternoon text, can suggest:

You didn't go out on Saturday night and are now up early and fresh on a Sunday. This isn't a good thing because in the dating/hunting world, a good hunter is tired on Sundays because of a fun filled Saturday night.


You aren't satisfied with your sex life. You clearly aren't laying in bed with someone else if you are sending out a Sunday afternoon text to 'grab a drink next week". You didn't catch a mouse this weekend and that's so you're sending out a text to help the next week. Thus, all this makes you seem desperate and suggests you aren't fun.

Moral: If you have to send out a dating related text on a Sunday, save it for after 6pm.

If someone texts you on a Sunday afternoon (before 6pm), wait till late that evening to text them back.

* If you hooked up with some one that Saturday night and are not with them on Sunday afternoon, you can send them a text...just kept it cute, funny and small.

the textpert ;(

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