Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Cat and Mouse text

Cat and Mouse text: When you send a text to someone you know you can 'hook up'; usually someone you've hooked up with in the past. You send them a text message at the beginning of the night(around 7pm-ish). This text simply initiates conversation and gets the ball rolling on a back and forth text conversation. As the night progresses you continue to 'flirt' text back and forth with your mouse, not making any drastic statements or questions. The nature tends to be "What you up to tonight?" , "Where you going to be tonight?". This continues untill you make a diagnosis of how your immediate situation is going to end. Often when playing cat and mouse, it isuncertain of which one of you is the mouse. It isn't always the person who sent the first are some possible ending to a Cat and Mouse scenario:

a) You don't find someone in your proximity to hook up with so you drop a 'be there in 10mins text' to your mouse. This occurs if you have given up on your search for someone in your proximity, usually at the end of the night, and now you want to meet up with your mouse to close the deal. It's not ideal but at least you're 'hooking up'.

b) You actually found someone in your proximity. You thus stop texting your mouse, tell your mouse you'll ttyl, or you ignore the rest of the texts that night and then the next day tell them your phone died.

c) Your mouse finds someone in her proximity, rendering you the mouse.

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