Thursday, October 15, 2009

Texpert in the Feild

Here is a text battle that I was called into recently. This whole conversation was over text messages. I provided my aid to a friend who was in need of 'textular direction'. Note that time in between text messages is not an issue in this conversation because we are just friends.

(word for word text message conversation Oct. 2009, between Betty and the Textpert...)

*normal type is the actual text message.

*italics is the subtext of the text message conversation, what I was thinking, and what I figured she was thinking/really saying.

Wednesday @ 2:30pm

Betty: Since you're the text guru-what if someone texts canceling plans-but wants to reschedule for the next day? When do you text back? Hahhaha! (this is acutally typed nervous can't write this stuff....means she really wants my advice.)

Textpert: Are you free the next day and is this your first time hanging out? (want to get a feel for how serious this relationship is.)

B: Yes to being free- hung out several times. (She wants to hang out with him and may actually like him, because several is more than two...or, might just be a booty call.)

T: Do you really like the guy? why did he cancel? (Let's hear his excuse for canceling...)

B: Because he has something due in the morning- and just got back from holidays. legit? (ignored the 'really like the guy' question, which makes me think this is a booty call. Therefore, his excuse might be legit. Thanksgiving just ended. Plus he did provide an alternate time to hang out in his first text...I'm going to say give him the benefit of the doubt. Guys need their space anyway.)

T: Yeah. First excuse always legit. reschedule for thursday after 9. Cause your 'busy' till then. (make yourself seem desirable by claiming to be busy)

B: Like 'a dinner thing to go to'??? Bahahahahaha! We're hilarious. (she's totally bought into my advice. Careful not to get too specific with a 'busy claim'...)

T: Don't tell what your other plans are. Just busy w a million things. You seen my latest blog? (don't lock yourself in a lie. Just say you're busy. By providing 'dinner party' you now have to answer questions about a fictious party, and you're lying. Liars don't win in the long run.)

B: Big time -love it, passed it around the office.

T: Dating life is difficult. its rough out there man!

(Later....after she texted him following my direction)

B: Hmm- response was good, i have so many more dating questions! (victory for Betty via the textpert)

Lesson to be learned
If you have hung out with someone numerous times, and they text cancel but suggest a specific day to hang out next, they genuinely want to hang out again, or at the very least, are thinking about hanging out with you again. Give them the benefit of the doubt with their excuse, and agree to hang out on the day they suggested, but offer that it be at a time that works in YOUR schedule by saying we have to hang out 'after or before' a certain time.

text safe

The texpert.

C ya Soon ;(