Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Party mode

I am in holiday mode currently. This means I am taking a break from "Sober Conor". I am cranky, bloated and lazy. I can't even think of any good ideas. Actually, when I think of something I am interested in it for two minutes, but then bored of it instantly. I just want to eat junk food, smoke grass, and watch tv. And get laid of course.

The other day I was in yoga and someone let one rip. I don' know this because of the smell, I know because of the sound. a huge fart, and dead silence. No one did anything, but of course it was assumed that it had to be one of the guys in the class. since Yoga is so female dominated, it is implied that all the bad odours, sounds and intentions are derived from the males. Or at least they can be disguised as such.

I am offically calling Xmas 'Red,White and Green day'!.

I was at a film screening yesterday for SUPER creative little short art films. Everyone there was so creative, or dressed creatively. It is hard to tell the difference between a creative person or someone who dresses well. Needless to say, I looked like a jock at this party. Rather than laughing or clapping the crowd where such that they just mumbled silently after a film. If it was really good you could hear whispery rumbles of "that was smart, creative, smart, smart, smart, creative,rumble rumble,"

INT. FILM FORT - night

Conor hangs around drinking a beer in a fort like studio loft. The walls are covered in bed sheets and pillows, as to resemble a fort. Conor looks at art pieces and short films on monitores. Super extreme hipster art folk strut by giving him cut eye. He approaches a hipster girl.

Conor: Some pretty creative stuff going on here.

Mona: Yeah. It's a wild spot.

Conor: (smiling) I used to build forts when I was a kid, but never this good.

Mona: yeh, I've heard that before.

Conor: Oh, this is your place?

Mona: No, but I screen my stuff here a bunch.

Conor: One of these movies is yours?

Mona: The super 8 doc. On taxadermy.

Conor: Oh, the one that was all like paused, still frams, with the dude talking over it, that was cool to watch. Was that just all photographs and you added the interview over?

Mona: I was going to just do it like a normal interview with the actually footage, but it got all messed up in the transfer. I salvaged all the sound but only a few frames so I had to put it together like that. But I think it was a blessing in disguise, ya know. I felt it was fitting, since taxadermy is about still life. Subconcious ya know.

Conor: Way over my head.

Mona: laughs

Behind Conor a super hipster boy, with moustache and glasses, approaches.

Conor: So, Mona. What is your favorite colour of underwear?

The hipster boy hears this and interupts the conversation.

Hipster: Mona, ready to go?

Mona: Yeah. (to Conor) bye, nice meeting you.

Mona gets up to leave. The hipster and Conor engage in a hardcore stare down.

Conor: Ok, great meeting you.

Conor stands still like a 'stuffed loser'. He stretches his shoulder like a jock.

When people look back at the year 2000-10 and wonder what defines it they will think of pomegrante, because it does.

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