Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mullet politics: complete dis concern for self-awareness

Everyone knows what side of the fence they are on in regards to the mullet. People can't make up their minds over the littlest things in this world, but everyone knows where they stand on mullets and are quiet happy to discuss. Just bringing up the word mullet can get complete strangers to interact and bond. People are either angry because they thought the mullet was buried; I guess it died around 1990? Or they are passionate about it and accept it.

Now, are we, in the year 2008 supposed to believe that people in the 80's, were not aware of the fact that they had mullets? That they didn't know any better, and weren't evolved enough to realize that the mullet looks bad? This is such year 2000 thinking and it blows. We are in a decade of self awareness. The decade to freak out about how you look, how you're represented and how many friends you have online. The decade of technological conformity and professional lying. A decade where "I would love to hang out more" means "go away". The 1980's was a decade of style, fast times, romantic electro 1st wave, acid wash, Slurpee's, burgers, sun glasses, OP, hyper colour, fluorescent ( I think I even had a fluorescent white hat), excellent adventures, earrings, rolled up sleeves, and Annie Lennox. To me it seems that the questions isn't whether the 1980's were aware of what they were doing. They weren't aware, they were too busy being rad. This is the coolest thing. Complete dis concern for self-awareness.

Mullet synonymous with 'low life' - Everyone has an opinion on the mullet, because everyone thinks they are better than the mullet. First, it is a word that sounds ridiculous, and thus people with no sense of humour that are trying to be funny can always resort to it for a laugh. "Mullet!" Laughs. Also it has been affiliated with some of the grimiest stuff over the years leading to murder by association. However, when people call me "Duran, Duran" I can't help but take this as a compliment.

(I've just bee inspired to write a whole separate blog - how to take insults as compliments)

Self aware. In the year 2008 if you have a moustache or a mullet you have to constantly be pointing at it and smiling so people know you're not being 'serious'.

1 comment:

Tony Pontes said...

Okay.. wait.. you've 'just' been inspired to take insults as compliments? I thought the inspiration came from the cheese conversation from last month?

Don't use blogging as an inspirational decoy, it just cheapens the craft.