Friday, December 5, 2008

Getting numbers: SCENES

Yesterday I got a beautiful girl's number. Oh, before I go on remember Cait the waitress @ Jack Astor's? She gave me a fake number. This got me wondering about the politics of giving out your number. There is the classic

The double-ask phone number technique (under the surface dramatisation)
@ Jack Astor's bar, Conor has a conversation with beautiful Georgia who appears slightly distracted and impatient. Finally she begins to walk away...Conor pulls out his cell phone.

Conor: So, Georgia, could I get your number?

Georgia: Uhh... sure it's (clears throat) 416-967-1234

Conor pretends to type it into his phone.

Conor: Sorry what was that?

Georgia: (stumbling) uhh.. , what? did you just pretend to put my number into your phone and then ask me a second time to make sure I am giving you my real number? That's so slimey! And for the record it was a fake number you creep. I can do much better!


I will not resort to the double ask phone number technique although I used to back in the 90's when it first blossomed.

But here is the question that arose from yesterday's interaction. I got a girl's number who immediately asked me to call her so that she had my number in her phone as well. The call and save. Rather than me dictating my number I just called her and she saved it after it showed up as an incoming call. Now we both walk away with each other's numbers. Sounds great right? Here is a conversation I had after with my 'friend' Toni.

Car on the way home from, (for sake of comedy), Jack Astor's.

Conor: I got that hot chick's number.

Toni: The blond. I should hope so. You were all over her.

Conor: No the brunette, her friend.

Toni: Really. Yeah, no, she was hot. You were all about the blond though.

Conor: (admittingly) I know but both were cute right? So, shut up man. She wants me bad though, I got her number and she immediately asked me to call her so she would have mine.

Toni: So, bro.

Conor: It means she wants my number just as bad as I want hers and it's a guaranteed hook up.

Toni: What? It's courtesy, bro. The ask back is standard. You exchange numbers. It's not give me your number and now I wield the power.

Conor: I disagree. If anything I'm weirded out by her wanting my number as well. It's desperate. Usually I get the number and that's that.

Toni: So you called her, she didn't answer and then she put your number into her contact list?

Conor: yep.

Toni: You started your relationship with an ignored call? Get used to it.

Conor: Shut up.


CELL PHONE the TV show-- coming soon from Taryn Leigh


Kevin said...

hahahahahahahahahahaa you seem to spend a great deal of time at Jack Astors these days. i love that place

slyblooger said...

i am pretty sure i have actually said that to you dude.