Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My predicitons on future teenage slang words for 2009

SLAM: When they are angry or overhwelmed they just say the word slam. To me the word slam is synonymous with teenage anger. When they don't get what they want, they slam stuff. Doors, books, beer bottles, pumpkins. In the technological future they will not want to slam their cell phones or computers, and doors will all be sliding. Thus SLAM!

Teacher: Angelo go to the principal's office!

Angelo: What!!! SLAM!!!!!!!! SLAM this !!!!!!!

HAPPY: someone who is a loser is 'happy'. In the future the word gay is like the f word and will not be tolerated at all. Since in teenager world, if you are happy for no reason, you are obviously a fag, the word happy will be used to describe someone who teenagers think is gay.

Kevin: yo, look at Fred. He has no friends. I bet you he's happy.

Angelo: Yeah he's so happy he's jolly.

POP: The word pop can go by undeteced in high schools. Going for a pop will be smoking a joint.

Angelo: (whispers to Kevin) Yo let's go for a pop.

Kevin: yeah man. Mr. Rennie? Can I go get a quick drink (laughs to Angelo)

Mr. Rennie: Not right now, you just went for one.

Kevin: What!! SLAM!!!

MOPE: This is what teenager do. Moping around is the way they move. The word mope will be slang for chilling which is slang for hanging out.


Angelo:What are you doing later, you wanna mope?

Kevin: I'll mope. No doubt.

Angelo: Let's mope over to Dave's house, he's got pops.

Kevin: I just grabed a bag of pop.

Kevin and Angelo togehter: SLAM!!!! (in this case slam can also be used as a good thing)

I have a million more,,, but have to go back to work.

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