Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tears # 5: you go girl

When the reality TV show 'contests' first came out everyone wanted to know what horrible insult the third judge was going to throw out. People wanted to watch the bad performers get insulted probably because it validated that they too could be a critic. However, as is life, things evolve. Now when I watch the show I prefer to hear the judges congratulate a contestant.

For example.

Conor sits at home and watches 'So you think you can dance'. On TV, Contestant Sarah moves with extreme grace. Her face swells with emotion as her body contorts and floats to the Cello. She lands, she jumps, she flips, she spins, she wins....

The music ends and she takes a moment to compose herself then approaches the front of the stage to be judged clearly emotionally moved by her performance.

Judge number 1: WOW!!! WOW WOW!!!!Girl, SARAH SARAH SARAH you are truly what this competition is all about. You had grace, you have beauty. The way you moved reminded me of a young Jane Rivera. I am, truly moved right now.. Just, just wow.

Sarah: thank you, thank you...

Conor (watching at home): good job Sarah! God you're beautiful. This guy is going to love her as well...

Judge 2: I agree WOW. Sarah you are amazing. The way you maintained your balanced and poise. We have had a lot of dancers today that just move, and where technically sound, but you girl, you made up your own technique. And look at your legs.

Conor: incredible.

Judge 2: They are amazing. Girl, you go!

Conor: (tearing up) you go Sarah! you go!

Conor and Sarah both wait in angst as the 3rd judge (nasty British dance mogul) clears his throat.

Judge 3: Sarah darling. I am going to have to say. I have seen lots of dancer. Some with talent, some with incredible work ethic. And to be honest, you have really left me no choice but to TOTALLY AGREE WITH MY FELLOW JUDGES YOU WHERE EXACTLY WHAT THIS COMPETITION IS ALL ABOUT. A STUNNING BEAUTY AND WOW WHAT A DANCER!

Conor: (fully tearing now) Fuck yeah she is!

Judge 3: I mean really brilliant.

Conor and Sarah both shed tears together.

Judge 3: I hope to see more dancers like you in this competition. I look forward to following your career, because it will be a good one. Great work girl. See you in Vegas.

Conor and Sarah (both wipe tears): Thank you !!!

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