Sunday, January 25, 2009


Body Energy the brain storm

Idea: The human whisperer experiment.

Task: try to learn how to control my projected energy so as to 'whisper' a situation.

Whispering: Controlling or making someone 'at peace' by projecting the right emotion onto them. Eventually turning a situation or room into an efficent and creative work/relationship.

Whispering isn't literally whispering, or quiet talking. Whispering, as in horse whispering, is all about projecting energy onto an animal in order to make them feel that emotion. For example, in a nut shelf, you being around me in a really good mood will eventually lead to you being in a good mood. With animals, they interpret energies in positive and negative and adopt which ever one is most dominant.

Positive energies sources: How to project positive energy onto someone and get them to feel better.

smiles, laughter, stillness, happy, delighted, eating, talking about stuff you like and feeling engaged in the conversation, good hygene, . etc...

Dogs see this: This shows an alert energized pack. No one will attack us as we are alive and healthy.

Negative energies: hesitating, nervous, uncertainty, grumpyness, anger, frustrated, upset, really sad, depressed, etc..

Dogs see these emotions as a threat to the pack. Since these emotions lead to a weak posture, slow movements, and lack of external awareness; all signs of vulnerablity to predators. Dogs hide sickness as a survival technique.

However, quiet often it is whoever's energy is the strongest in the room that is dominating the room. For example: when around someone who is mouring the loss of a loved one it is inconsistent with the energy of the room to add laughter and extreme positive energy.

energy calculations are consistent with math:

- + - = + adding sadness to sadness equals a positive empathy feeling. This can project a positive emotion. And the room will feel 'lighter'.

- + + = - it will result in more negative energy if you try to add an unjustified positive emotion.
+ + + = + adding laughter to laughter gets more...obviously.
+ + - = - adding negative energy to a positive environment will be felt and spark some negativity at first.

To be investigated....

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