Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year

I made a ton of new years resolutions. All surronding being a better person, and more efficent and more positive, blah blah. One of my first resolutions involved organizing my paper clad room. I grabbed my journal from 2006 from under a pile of leaf paper and I noticed I had the exact same new years resolutions as I have now. To a T. This instantly made me doubt my resolutions and ability to commit.

Ways to feel better instantly

Make your bed
Tidy all the shoes in front of your house
Say hi to a stranger
take a deep breath

1 comment:

slyblooger said...

I tried taking your advice and noticed that my bed is so uncomfortable, I need to go shoe shopping, the "stranger" was actually an ex colleague that I didn't recognize at first but was actually someone I very much dislike and got stuck in a 15 minute conversation, and I think I realized that I have asthma! thanks dude