Friday, January 8, 2010

Woke up this morning completely hung over. Ended up doing nothing productive on the writing front. However did have some funny ideas.

I know a Mexican place that has such good Mexican food that their chicken burrito has the same effect on you as a good movie. You think about it for hours after you're done with it. You walk around with the thought of it in your head. Wondering how all the elements came together so well. You have a tough time sleeping after it because the theme and plot and characters are running through your head. Finally, you wake up in the middle of the night and discover something new about it; I woke up at four in the morning in a cold sweat because of the Cilantro...

Was sent a late night email, from a good friend and a Gemini-award winning writer late last night: "Dude.Clear your calender. We have a pilot to write." I replied "You know I'm always doen to battle a script with the Reid brothers." Hopefully something comes of this...


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