Thursday, November 20, 2008

Politics and Fajitas

Interior Jack Astor's Bar and Grill

Conor(27), and Tony(28), sit at a booth with a construction paper place mat. A waiter approaches the table, writes his name..."JASON!"... on the table with a crayon and then hands the boys menus.

Jason: Thanks for coming to Jack Astor's. First time to a Jack's or...?

Conor: Not even close Jason we're practically tenants (smiles). We come here all the time. Yeah so, I think we're ready to order, I don't even need to look at this. Tony, do you want to go or should I just...

Tony studies the menu.

Tony: Uhh, bro, go ahead, I just want to check one thing.

Conor: Okay, we'll split the beef nachos--

Tony:(interupts) Uhh, I think for today, you go ahead, I might not.

Conor: No splits on the beef nachos?

Tony: Umm, it's just, just go without me for this one I think today.

Conor: Is it the beef? No beef is fine with me.

Tony: It's not that, the beef is fine, just go with it and I'm going to hang back.

Conor: (shocked) Alright. I'll just get a small beef nachos. And we'll have the chicken fajitas for two--

Tony: Uhh. I don't think I'm going to--

Conor: sorry steak--

Tony: It's not the meat selection, it's just, today, because, normally, you know what, you get them. I'm going to pass.

Conor: So no fajitas for two...? Fajitas for just 1, you sure?

Tony: umm, pretty sure, yeah.

Conor: should Jason come back?

Tony: No.

Conor: Fine. So I guess I'll get the fajitas for one, and I'll get a corona, unless ,Tony, what do you think about one of those buckets of little coronitas--

Tony: Nope.

Conor: Of course. Small nachos, fajitas, and a fucking corona, all for 1.

Jason: Got it. (to Tony) Do you need some more time sir?

Tony: (thinks about it) you know what, I'll just get the same.

Conor is mesmerized and stares at Tony in disbelief.

Jason: Got it. Ill be right back with your individual beers.

Jason grabs the menus and walks off. Conor is stunned as Tony avoids eye contact.

Conor: Dude? have you lost your mind?

Tony: What? I just wanted to try it this way for a change.

Conor: It's way cheaper if we split, plus, I thought you were driving?

Tony: It's one beer dude, not a whole bucket.

Conor and Tony sit in silence. They both pick up crayons and draw on the construction paper.

End of scene 1 - stay tuned for the meal.... coming soon.....


Kevin said...

words can't describe how funny i think this is, and i kind of feel weird that i think it's funny.

Kevin said...

words can't describe how funny i think this is, and i kind of feel weird that i think it's funny.

conorcasey said...

stay tuned Kevin- the meal is on it's way..

love you