Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Warning! Please do not stand still

Of all the goals in life it appears that survival is the ultimate goal because we are convinced it is, above all, the most important thing to do for our well being. To put ones self in a position where survival is at risk is unhealthy and potentially painful and nobody wants that. It is a position of true vulnerability; where failure is a huge possibility. Intentionally putting one self in these situations is seen as anti survivalist; anti-progressive or, alas, anti-society because it draws too much attention to the pack. Since we are pack animals it is as if we are all walking around like wounded dogs pretending not to be wounded because we don't want to draw attention to the pack. This is not to say we are all depressed, but rather, we are ignoring each other because we think it's better for everyone else if we did so. After all, we don't want to look vulnerable. To appear like the weakest link in the societal chain that is 'insert catchy suburb named after one person here'. On the streets people rush urgently past potential friends, enemies, victims, collaborators and lovers on a super important mission to Pita Pit or where ever else they have to get to really soon. Everyone is in a rush, because not being in a rush is not being a productive team player. Even projecting 'no rush' means one is compromising other people's well being. Therefore, one could deduct that vulnerability is as simple as the ability to stand still on the sidewalk at 5:15pm. True vulnerability would be to do so without looking at one's watch. Just standing relaxed and alone not faking as if you are late or waiting for someone or asking for money. Just standing still existing. Being anti survival. Vulnerability is having nowhere to go in a hurry.

Where are you standing these days?

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