Tuesday, November 11, 2008

ways to tell people you're better than them

10 ways to say 'I'm better than you' without actually saying it.

1.  "I used to have a cell phone but I had to get a blackberry."
2. "I didn't see that, because I'm super busy I don't have time to watch TV."
3. "I have to get up really early for my work."
4. When apologizing: "I'm sorry if you feel that way."
5. Their response to what you do for a job is "that sounds interesting" or "that sounds totally fun."
6. You mention a bar you recently attended to which they reply: "I used to go there."
7. "I do Yoga."
8. "I only drink wine. And preferably red if you haves"
9. "I don't have a dog I am a cat person."
10. When you ask them a yes or no question they answer 'sure'.


slyblooger said...

Totally funny list, I only got to number 5 though... Had to run off to a really important meeting with one of my staff.

sophie said...

i'm engaged. i can't this weekend, a bunch of us are going up to the cottage. do you want to try again, it says "insufficient funds." we're moving! we just need more space. oh god, i have ZERO desire to go to our high school reunion. how long have you been a vegetarian? gimme a call sometime, we'll catch up. are you still with that guy? the same one?